Former councilman honored for service in East Brunswick

EAST BRUNSWICK – On March 14, members of the East Brunswick Township Council honored Michael Spadafino to commemorate his eight years of service.

Councilwoman Sharon Sullivan took the podium to present a resolution that officially recognized Spadafino’s tenure in office.

“Michael Spadafino served as a councilman for the Township of East Brunswick from Jan. 1, 2014, through Jan. 10, 2022, and served as council president in 2018.

“Michael Spadafino, during his service to the community, served on the Recreation, Parks and Advisory Board, Municipal Emergency Management, East Brunswick Museum Corporation, Cable Television and Telecommunications Advisory Committee, Water Policy Advisory Committee, Planning Board, and the Redevelopment Agency,” Sullivan said.

Following the resolution, Sen. Patrick Diegnan and Assemblyman Sterley Stanley presented a commemorative plaque to Spadafino.

Stanley, who is a former East Brunswick councilman as well, then addressed Spadafino directly, stating that his service exemplified how politicians should conduct themselves in the community.

“The way Michael conducts himself is how we all should strive to conduct ourselves as political leaders in our respective fields. Michael, you taught me how to be a gentleman in this world of politics, by your example, by how you’ve done things,” Stanley said.

Diegnan stated, “Remarkable character and exceptional determination, that embodies what this gentleman is.”

Following their remarks, Spadafino shared a statement of gratitude towards his family, colleagues, and residents for giving him the opportunity to serve in East Brunswick.

“I’m very proud that they felt, and they saw, that I had value and that I was a representative that represented their interests only, no matter what side of the aisle you stand. … Through the efforts of the people in this chamber, especially the ones that are here now, the mayor, the council, I believe that we are moving East Brunswick in a very positive direction. … I am leaving East Brunswick, but East Brunswick is not leaving me, it is who I am,” Spadafino said.

Spadafino announced his resignation during a Jan. 10 meeting in which he stated, “This decision is very difficult for me, but it’s very personal. I want to thank the residents of East Brunswick for the trust and faith that they gave me over the years as an elected official.”

A resident of East Brunswick for over 50 years, Spadafino also served as a chiropractic physician in town.