Candidates enter race to fill three seats on Howell council

HOWELL – A contested Republican primary election on June 7 will determine which candidates from the GOP earn their party’s nomination to run for three four-year terms on the Howell Township Council in November.

Fred Gasior, Susan Fischer and Ian Nadel filed nominating petitions to run for council seats as the Monmouth County Republican Organization ticket.

Michael Bernstein filed a nominating petition to run as a Howell First Republican.

On June 7, Republicans in Howell will elect three of those residents to run for council in November.

A legal challenge was filed in regard to the nominating petitions that were filed by Gasior and Fischer. The challenge concerned the number of valid signatures on their nominating petitions.

On April 26, David Wildstein reported in the New Jersey Globe that an appellate judge would not hear the matter on an emergent basis and that all four Republican candidates will appear on the June 7 ballot.

There will be an uncontested Democratic primary on June 7. John Bonevich, who is currently serving on the Township Council, J. Randy Bishop and Denise King have filed nominating petitions to run for council seats as the Monmouth County Democrats ticket.

Two current members of the council, Republicans Pamela Richmond and Suzanne Brennan, are not running to retain their seats.

Richmond has served one term and said, “My time serving on the governing body was one I will never forget and very rewarding. I love serving my community in many capacities, including coaching girls softball and basketball, and the PTA, among other volunteering activities. Communities always face challenges and I am proud to have contributed to many positive things. At this time I have decided not to seek re-election, but plan on being very engaged in other capacities.”

Richmond did not rule out a return to the council in the future, saying, “Never say never.”

Brennan was appointed to an open seat on the Township Council in December 2021 following the resignation of Republican Councilman Thomas Russo in November 2021.

Any qualified Howell resident who wants to run for a seat on the Township Council as an independent candidate has until June 7 to file a nominating petition and secure a position on the Nov. 8 general election ballot.