Hopewell police increase enforcement patrols after ‘overweight truck’ concerns on County Route 579

Hopewell Township residents have raised concerns over “truck traffic and presence of overweight trucks” on County Route 579.

The Township Committee, police department and township administrator have informed residents they are addressing the concerns, through a township press release on Aug. 1.

“It is not uncommon for trucks to travel on roads with weight restrictions, and the police department does not take it lightly,” Police Chief James Rosso said.

The police department has increased enforcement patrols on County Route 579 to remind drivers of the weight restrictions. The department has issued summonses where appropriate for those not making local deliveries, Rosso said.

The police department is collaborating with the Community Development Department, township administration, local businesses, and state and county officials to mitigate the overuse of County Route 579 by trucks over four tons, according to the township release.

Township officials are looking into increasing the signage and design of signs for use in multiple locations to increase visibility.

They are also speaking with local businesses, asking them to remind their drivers of
the weight limits and reporting the weight restrictions on County Route 579 to multiple mapping services.

The most common explanation heard from truck drivers is that they were following their GPS, according to township officials.