Opinion: Hillsborough resident seeking ‘transparency’ after recent tax mailer

Shocked by the recent mailer the township released for what is the current quarterly Real Estate Tax (August 2022) or an increase of 19.5% which in the climate is above any increases that I can recall in recent update or assessment.

The township points to the New Jersey Division of Tax and in turn the state points the finger to the Hillsborough municipality or what was then called “passed the potato.” This is of no laughing matter but finally after much probing the large chunk of the increase of 19.5% is coming from the Board of Education (BOE) suggesting that the [increase] can be explained or, yet to be explained by the head of the township BOE.

I assume there is more functions that are contributing but we need to start understanding how a 19.5% increase can be digested. Effectively, we have exceeded the current inflation rate at now chasing the energy or fuel increase cost which in many cases have doubled. I would appreciate some transparency on this topic as a condo owner I will need to reassess whether I can absorb amongst many other budget items, an increase of a $1,000 for what? Taxes. Happy to engage and trust that the citizens of Hillsborough are alarmed with the pink circular that was mailed to the residents.

Rafael Rodriguez
