Bordentown Township’s pollinator garden hopes to attract native pollinators on the decline

Bordentown Township recently added a pollinator garden next to the Community Garden at Constitution Park.

Resident, Christine Mendelowitz received native wildflowers through a grant from Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, based in Portland, Ore. She coordinated with the township for their planting and care. The pollinator garden will encourage native pollinators, many of which are on the decline. For example, Monarch butterflies were added to the endangered species list, according to township officials.

Although no increase in the garden’s produce production is expected, the pollinator garden should increase predators and parasitoids which will reduce the pests in the organic garden.

It is important to remember that the wildflowers might take a few years to look their best. This spot will be a great place for photographers to take pictures of insects, spiders, and flowers themselves, township officials said.

“If you do venture to look at the garden, please mind your feet as some of the plants are small and can perish if stepped on,” officials said. “The garden is designed with paths to maximize viewing and flowering ground cover (clover) will be added in the fall to prevent erosion and mark the paths. Please honor any signs placed that restrict walking in the area as the clover starts to germinate. If there are no signs it is safe to walk.”

The Township thanks Mendelowitz, SEWA of Chesterfield, and SEWA of Cherry Hill for helping with the project.