South River police offer residents Operation Blue Angel in case of an emergency

SOUTH RIVER – The South River Police Department is reminding residents about its Operation Blue Angel program, which allows officers quick access to senior citizens and other eligible residents in the event of an emergency.

Operation Blue Angel is a program conducted by the police department to assist residents who, due to advanced age, immobility, or medical concerns, may be unable to answer their door in an emergency situation. The program is administered free of charge to any eligible resident.

Through Operation Blue Angel, a police department owned lock box – similar to a real estate agent’s lock box – is placed outside the residence. A key, supplied by the resident, is locked inside the box.

In the event of an emergency, responding police officers are able to retrieve the key by using a code accessed by the department’s Communications Center, allowing police to quickly enter the home without causing damage. The code is stored securely at all times in the department’s Communications Center and reset to a new code in the event it is used to access the lock box.

Applicants to Operation Blue Angel must meet certain criteria and agree to the following:

• Must be 55 years of age or older, or have a medical condition that is potentially incapacitating.

• Must either live alone, or be home alone on a frequent basis.

• Must provide a key (or keys) for an entry door to the home.

• Must grant the South River Police Department permission to access and use the key during an emergency.

• Must complete and notarize a waiver form.

The police department maintains ownership of the lock box. If a resident moves, he/she must notify the department so that they can retrieve the lock box.

To apply for the program, print, complete and return the following application and liability waiver to police headquarters:

Operation Blue Angel is one of many no cost programs offered to residents by the South River Police Department.

Other programs include: Project Medicine Drop Child Safety Seat Inspections; Home Security Inspections; Unoccupied Residence Program; Special Needs Registry; Business; Registration Program; and Anonymous Tip Line & Online Report-it Form.

For more information on the programs visit