Accounting firm reports no issues in audit of Marlboro’s 2021 records

MARLBORO — An accounting firm has presented Marlboro’s mayor and Township Council with another clean audit of the municipality’s financial records.

The accounting firm Suplee, Clooney and Company has released its audit report for 2021 and for the 10th consecutive year the auditor reported there were no findings that require corrective action by municipal officials, Business Administrator Jonathan Capp announced during the Sept. 15 meeting of the Township Council.

The audit report stated that “the purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the township’s internal control or on compliance.”

Each year, Marlboro is subject to an independent audit of its financial statements. The primary purpose of the audit is to report on the condition of the financial information compiled by the Finance Department and to reflect upon the integrity of the procedures and controls implemented by the township, according to municipal officials.

“Congratulations to the council, the mayor and the financial representatives in Marlboro,” Capp said.

Township Council President Juned Qazi said, “I am proud of the audit passing. I want to thank the rest of the council, Vice President (Antoinette) Dinuzzo, Councilman (Michael) Scalea, Councilwoman (Randi) Marder and Councilman (Michael) Milman, and Mayor (Jonathan) Hornik for their support throughout the year.”

In other business on Sept. 15, the council members introduced Ordinance 2022-011. The legislation, if adopted, will amend an ordinance that was adopted in 2005.

The 2005 ordinance made it illegal for people to feed wildlife on public property in Marlboro. Individuals were permitted to feed wildlife on private property.

The purpose of the proposed amended ordinance is to prohibit the feeding of wildlife and fish in any park, on any street, or any other public and private property owned and operated by the township, according to the ordinance. The amended ordinance extends the existing prohibition on the feeding of deer on township property to private property.

The ordinance lists several reasons supporting its introduction, including “feeding increases reproductive potential, deer lose their fear of humans, and feeding enhances the spread of disease and parasites.”

Qazi said some residents reached out to the council to express concern about wildlife and officials wanted to update the ordinance.

A public hearing on Ordinance 2022-011 is scheduled for 7 p.m. Oct. 20 in Town Hall. Members of the council may adopt the ordinance following the public hearing.