Princeton Planning Board: Community Visioning Survey crucial step in Princeton’s future

Creating a municipal master plan is a data-informed process by which a community outlines its goals for growth. For the Planning Board, its Master Plan Subcommittee, and the resident-led Master Plan Steering Committee, a very important data point is Princeton’s vision for its future as articulated by those of us who live here.

As work continues on the update to the master plan, we write to encourage all Princeton residents to complete the Community Visioning Survey launched earlier this month at

A previous survey conducted over the summer focused on consumer preferences. We were delighted that more than 4,000 people took that survey and were also pleased that about three quarters of the responses came from Princeton residents. Its findings, to be finalized after University student responses are gathered, will inform a new “element” of the master plan focused on economic development.

The current (second) survey aims to identify broader community priorities, values, concerns, and hopes for Princeton. What we learn from this survey will influence the focus and format of upcoming community-wide open houses, as well as the drafting of overarching Master Plan goals and principles for Princeton’s growth, housing, conservation, and preservation in the coming years and decades.

The Community Visioning Survey is a crucial step toward the more refined, detailed decision-making about what will comprise the updated Community Master Plan. We realize that this new survey comes at a time when residents are being asked their opinions on a wide range of topics; the term “survey fatigue” has been used. Still, progress on any issue in Princeton requires robust civic involvement. We want all voices to be heard.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share it with family and friends. Add your voices to the chorus! Visit The deadline is October 31.

Louise Currey Wilson
Chair, Princeton Planning Board

Tim Quinn
Vice Chair, Princeton Planning Board
Chair, Master Plan Subcommittee