A Good Deed: Members of the Old Bridge PBA Local 127 builds wooden swing set for family

OLD BRIDGE – Members of the Old Bridge Policemen’s Benevolent Association Local 127 protect, serve … and build wooden swing sets.

Well, maybe not all the time, but when Township resident Dana Fiorello was seeking recommendations for someone to build a wooden swing set for her two sons, the Old Bridge Local Policemen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) stepped up and answered the call.

PBA President Vinny Galgano reached out to his PBA membership and asked for volunteers to build the swing set for the Fiorello family.

Without hesitation, he received multiple responses for volunteers. He reached out to the Fiorello family and told them the good news. A date for assembly was set up.

“After a few weather delays, we were able to get the swing set built,” he said. “Officer Joe Miller led the assembly while Officer Matt Jaikissoon and Detective Jessica Caffey assisted. All three officers worked many hours together to build the entire swing set over the past few days.”

The Fiorello family, especially their boys, were so grateful, Galgano said.

“[The boys] colored [‘Thank you’] signs for the officers and they had nonstop smiles. They couldn’t wait to enjoy their new swing set.”

Galgano said the Old Bridge PBA Local 127 is “extremely proud of Officers Miller, Jaikissoon and Caffey for stepping up and helping out a family in our community. We take great pride in what we do for our Old Bridge families.”