County Corner: Middlesex County recognizes Breast Cancer Month

By Middlesex County Commissioner Director Ronald G. Rios

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. During this month you will see notifications from various health organizations and charities regarding the importance of annual screenings for breast cancer, not only for women but also for men. Early detection means a better chance for survival.

Throughout the month of October, charities work to raise funds to help with research for the prevention, treatment, and eventually a cure for breast cancer.

We all know when Breast Cancer Month is approaching by the pink ribbons displayed. The pink ribbons serve as a reminder for women and men to do their regular examinations. The pink ribbon stands for health, vitality, and empowerment. Wearing a pink ribbon or pink clothing during October shows your support for the fight against breast cancer.

There are two organizations that are well known in the fight for the prevention and cure of breast cancer: the Susan G. Komen organization and the American Cancer Society.

Susan G. Komen is “the world’s largest nonprofit source of funding for the fight against breast cancer.” The organization works with local governments with regard to securing additional funding for cancer research and provides information and education about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, risk factors, and many other informational tools.

Susan G. Komen also provides a help line for those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, their loved ones, support professionals, and anyone else in search of information about breast health. The Susan G. Komen Breast Care Helpline provides helpful information about breast health and breast cancer and connects callers with local and national resources.

You can show your support for the Susan G. Komen organization by checking their website for fundraisers in your community.

The American Cancer Society is an organization that works to raise funds for additional research while also providing education services, advocacy, and the latest cancer information to communities throughout the United States.

In addition to fundraising for more effective treatments and a cure for breast cancer, these organizations strive to increase awareness about the importance of annual exams. The estimated number of Americans that will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2022 is 290,560. Simply getting an examination may help decrease this number.

There are citizens of Middlesex County who may be uninsured and not able to able to get the proper screening. Middlesex County has expanded health services for women which include cancer screening and prevention services.

One such program is the Middlesex County Cancer Education and Early Detection Program (CEED), which provides screening services for breast cancer. You can contact the Middlesex County Office of Health Services for additional information at 732-745-3100. Join in the fight for a cure. Wear pink during the month of October to help shine a light on breast cancer and show your support for those currently fighting the disease, those we have lost, and survivors. Participate in events scheduled by your town or by organizations like Susan G. Komen or the American Cancer Society to help raise funds and awareness. Most importantly, be sure to get your annual screening and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against breast cancer and all cancers.