Princeton Council incumbents seek re-election in November

Two Democratic candidates for Princeton Council, both of whom are incumbents, are running unopposed for the two, three-year terms in the November general election.

Princeton Councilwomen Michelle Pirone Lambros and Mia Sacks are seeking re-election. No one filed to run for the Princeton Council on the Republican Party ticket.

Pirone Lambros and Sacks pointed to the creation of a Special Improvement District to help the revitalization of the town’s businesses among their achievements during their first terms on the Princeton Council.

Housing affordability is another issue facing Princeton – particularly middle-income housing, they said. There is a need to eliminate exclusionary zoning practices to maintain and support greater diversity in Princeton. The town needs to build more affordable housing and more middle-income housing – both rental and for-sale units.

Also, to better suit the diverse needs of residents, Pirone Lambros and Sacks said they are exploring the feasibility of a community center, as well as looking for ways to invest more in the town’s parks and recreational facilities.

Pirone Lambros and Sacks, along with Princeton Council colleagues, are assigned to sit on assorted boards and committees each year. They also serve as liaisons to community groups.

Currently, Pirone Lambros and Sacks serve on the Princeton Council’s Communications, Governance, Affordable Housing, Planning & Redevelopment, and Finance committees, and the Princeton University negotiations team.

Pirone Lambros chairs the Communications and Finance committees. She is the fire commissioner and serves on the Public Safety and Recreation committees. She also works with the Public Arts and Transit Trust Fund groups.

Sacks chairs the Affordable Housing and Planning & Redevelopment committees and Infrastructure & Operations and Legal committees.

She is also the Princeton Council’s representative to the Princeton Planning Board, serves on the Personnel Committee and works with the Public Transit Advisory Committee and with Traffic Safety.

Sacks is the Princeton Council’s liaison to the school board, Sustainable Princeton and the Friends of Herrontown Woods.

Polls open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 8.