Youngsters showcase soccer skills in Bordentown Knights of Columbus’ annual soccer challenge

The Bordentown Knights of Columbus recently completed its sixth annual Soccer Challenge competitions in both Bordentown and Florence. The Soccer Challenge is a shooting skills competition for boys and girls ages 9-14.

“We had a great turnout this year and very impressive performances by the participants,” said Pete Darata, of the Knights of Columbus.

The winners for each age group include:

Boys: 9-year-old Foster Valenti
Girls: 9-year-old Mya Sutphen
Boys: 10-year-old Brenden Mallon
Girls: 10-year-old Allie Fasanella
Boys: 11-year-old Ryan Zangrilli
Boys: 12-year-old Xavier White
Girls: 13-year-old Joelle Vescovi

In addition, Allie and Joelle have both advanced to the state level competition of the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge on Nov. 5. Joelle is also a previous International Champion in the Soccer Challenge.

The Knights of Columbus held two separate events, one in Florence on Sept. 10 and one in Bordentown on Oct. 15 for the challenge.

“We took the scoring results combined from both events and the participants with the highest scores were the winners,” Darata said.