Operation Eagle Eye nets eight Middlesex County men, one juvenile on alleged possession, distribution child porn charges

Eight Middlesex County men and one juvenile male have been charged for their involvement in multiple child pornography investigations dubbed Operation Eagle Eye, according to Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone.

The charges against the men and the juvenile are a result of Operation Eagle Eye led by the Internet Crimes Against Children Unit of The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, with assistance from the New Jersey State Police, East Brunswick Police Department, Edison Police Department, Carteret Police Department, Monroe Police Department, New Brunswick Police Department, Old Bridge Police Department, Perth Amboy Police Department, Piscataway Police Department, Plainsboro Police Department, Sayreville Police Department, and the Spotswood Police Department, according to a press release through the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office on Nov. 18.

The eight men were charged over the course of two days, Nov. 17 and Nov. 18. The juvenile male was charged on Nov. 1, according to the press release.

Albert Leonardis, 37, of Edison, was charged with one count of second-degree distribution of child pornography, one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files), and one count of second-degree storing and maintaining items depicting the sexual exploitation or abuse of children using a file sharing program, according to the press release.

Christopher Hernandez, 18, of New Brunswick, was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files), according to the press release.

Alexander Antoini De Oliveria, 39, of Old Bridge, was charged with one count of second-degree distribution of child pornography, one count of second-degree storing and maintaining items depicting the sexual exploitation or abuse of children using a file sharing program, one count of second-degree possession of child pornography (over 1,000 files), according to the press release.

Joseph Marino, 40, of Carteret, was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files), one count of second-degree distribution of child pornography, and one count of second-degree storing and maintaining items depicting the sexual exploitation or abuse of children using a file sharing program, according to the press release.

Paul Rubbe, 62, of Piscataway, was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files), according to the press release.

Edward Gicherman, 81, of Monroe, was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files) and one count of second-degree storing and maintaining items depicting the sexual exploitation or abuse of children using a file sharing program, according to the press release.

Abhishek Pandya, 25, of Edison, was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files) and one count of second-degree distribution of child pornography, according to the press release.

Christopher Nicol, 20, of Plainsboro, was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files), according to the press release.

A juvenile male, 17, of Woodbridge, was charged with an act of juvenile delinquency for offenses which if committed by an adult would constitute as third-degree possession of child pornography (under 1,000 files), according to the press release.

The investigation is active and continuing. Anyone with information is asked to call the Internet Crimes Against Children Unit of The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office at 732-745-5924.