Tinton Falls officials authorize emergency purchase of boiler for town hall

TINTON FALLS — The members of the Tinton Falls Borough Council recently awarded a $132,000 contract to Miller & Chitty Co. Inc., Kenilworth, for the purchase of a new boiler for the municipal building.

The contract was awarded without public bidding due to an emergency condition, as permitted by state statute, according to municipal officials who took the action during a meeting on Nov. 22.

According to Borough Engineer Thomas Neff, the Department of Public Works solicited quotes for the project. Two bids were received: the $132,000 bid from Miller & Chitty Co. and a $167,400 bid from Hutchins HVAC Inc.

Miller & Chitty Co. was awarded the contract as the lowest responsible bidder, according to municipal officials.

A resolution passed by the council stated that one of the two boilers in the municipal building was no longer in service. The resolution stated that situation required the immediate purchase of a new boiler.

In a letter to Borough Administrator Charles Terefenko, Neff said the boiler that stopped working could not be repaired due to its age.

Neff said although the second boiler in the building was still working, that boiler had reached the end of its useful life and could become inoperable at any time.

“Should (both boilers become inoperable), Borough Hall would have no source of heat for its employees, the police department, the court and its visitors. Due to low temperatures, Borough Hall may need to close for an extended period of time if the boilers are not working properly and heat cannot be provided.

“As Borough Hall is considered a critical facility that cannot be closed for an extended period of time, I do not believe there is sufficient time to follow the standard public bidding procedures. It is my recommendation that this be considered an emergency and that the borough have the boiler replaced as soon as possible,” Neff wrote.

The Borough Council members agreed with Neff’s recommendation and awarded the contract for a new boiler to Miller & Chitty Co. without public bidding.

In other business, the council members authorized the continuation of a shared services agreement with Eatontown for the maintenance, use and storage of a street sweeper. The period of the agreement is three years.

And, council members authorized an agreement with Monmouth County for the Special Citizens Area Transportation (SCAT) system in 2023. The county service will provide transportation to and from food shopping destinations.

Finally, council members renewed and approved the annual compensation for the Tinton Falls Fire District No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners in 2023. Each fire commissioner will receive $4,000. Fire District No. 1 has five fire commissioners, according to a resolution.