Chair of Housing Initiatives of Princeton thanks ‘generosity’ of supporters for successful annual Rent Party

Housing Initiatives of Princeton (HIP) held its annual Rent Party on Saturday, Nov. 5 when our sold-out crowd of over 175 people gathered on a gorgeous night at the beautiful Updike Farmstead to help us “raise the rent” to assist low-income working families in our community. Through the generosity of our supporters – including the more than 80 event sponsors – HIP raised more than $90,000 which we will use to provide transitional housing with family-focused supportive services and emergency rental assistance to help individuals and families experiencing housing insecurity build toward a sustainable future. To learn more about what we do, please visit our website:

We want to thank the amazing Rent Party Committee — Carol Golden, Kathleen Gittleman, Sue Cameron, Tamera Matteo, Lydia Pfeiffer, Tina Motto and Wendy Kaczerski — who worked tirelessly to make the event so welcoming and fun! We were also so fortunate to work with Leanne Hunter of Updike, Emily’s Catering, and the fabulous Steve Johnson Band. Some of HIP’s staunchest supporters donated their services: Anne Fahey provided the beautiful invitations, Jammin’ Crepes, the delicious dessert, Kathy Klockenbrink, table decorations, and Emily Reeves, her photography.

We at HIP are so grateful to our whole community, which truly came together — neighbor helping neighbor — to ensure our community remains diverse and vibrant!

Liz Lempert

Chair of Housing Initiatives of Princeton