Mercer County Prosecutor: Bordentown woman, elementary school teacher provided teen with alcohol, drugs

An elementary school teacher from Bordentown has been charged with allegedly providing a teen boy with “vodka, vape pens and THC drops” for approximately two and a half years, according to Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo J. Onofri.

Jennifer Debiec, 39, a fifth-grade teacher at Mercerville Elementary School in Hamilton, was charged with one count of second-degree endangering the welfare of a child, according to a press release through the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office on Dec. 21.

She was charged following an investigation conducted by the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Special Victims Unit (SVU).

Debiec is accused of providing a 13-year-old boy with vodka, vape pens and THC drops
for approximately two and a half years, according to the press release.

The investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to contact the prosecutor’s SVU at 609-989-6568.