Martial arts program open to children

The North Brunswick Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services will hold martial arts classes this fall.

The instructor is a black belt-ranked member of the U.S. Judo Association and International Federation of Ju-Jutsuans.

Children ages 5 to 13 may attend sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the North Brunswick Township High School fitness room, 98 Raider Road.

New student/beginner sessions will be 6- 6:45 p.m. Sept. 8 to Oct. 13, or Oct. 15 to Nov. 24. Advanced student sessions will be 7-7:45 p.m. Sept. 8 to Oct. 13 or Oct. 15 to Nov. 24.

The fee is $155.

To register, call 732-247-0922, ext. 475.