NORTH BRUNSWICK — The reality show “Jersey Shore” finally came in handy.
Shreyas Chand and Brianna Mussman participated in the CSAW-VII Cybersecurity Competition at New York University- Polytechnic University, placing third in the nation in the High School Cyber Forensics Challenge. They had to solve a mystery by researching flash drives and computer equipment to determine who killed Snooki of the popular MTV series in a simulated scenario.
“Congratulations on finding a good use for that show,” council President Carlo Socio said Dec. 19 to the two students who attend the Middlesex County Academy for Science, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies.
Also during the meeting, the North Brunswick Soccer Club presented the township Food Bank with $2,500. Each participating travel team coach agreed to donate $1 for every goal scored during the season, which turned out to be 548; Brunswick Urgent Care and parents donated as well.
“I guess you’re pretty good soccer players. That’s a lot of goals to score,” said KathyAruta, director of the Food Bank, in appreciation of the team members’ efforts. “This is a phenomenal amount of money from goals from kids.”