Pennington addresses unshielded outdoor lighting fixtures

Unshielded outdoor lighting fixtures must be shut off from 10 p.m. until sunrise, according to Pennington’s amended nuisance ordinance.

The Council amended the nuisance ordinance to address concerns raised from some residents regarding the illumination of outdoor lights left on during the late night and early morning hours by neighbors.

They unanimously voted in favor of amending the nuisance ordinance to prohibit intrusive lighting between neighbors in the borough at a meeting on Feb. 6.

This change includes outdoor lighting controlled by motion detectors on properties in the borough, according to the ordinance.

Council President Catherine Chandler, Councilwoman Deborah Gnatt, Councilwoman Nadine Stern, Councilman Charles Marciante, Councilwoman Kati Angarone and Councilman John Valenza voted “yes” on the amended ordinance.

Shielded outdoor lighting, which is directed downward preventing the lighting to go beyond the property, are not part of the prohibiting lighting, according to the ordinance.