Bordentown City Commissioner: Working diligently on EMS issue

First, I would like to thank those who reached out to me following my recent newsletter regarding the emergency medical services issue that our communities are facing. I hope that I was able to answer your questions and reassure you that I am working diligently with all parties to resolve a very serious issue. First and foremost is the Bordentown City’s resolve to reach a resolution that will bring the best benefit for medical services to the residents of Bordentown City, Bordentown Township and Fieldsboro.

The Bordentown City Mayor Jennifer L. Sciortino, Deputy Mayor Joe Myers and I stand behind our promise as elected members of your governing body to maintain a policy of being an open and transparent government. As such, I have included a spreadsheet of revenues and expenses for the 2021 and 2022 budget years as it relates to the current emergency medical services provided under the Bordentown EMS, a shared service of the City and Township of Bordentown for its residents as well as Fieldsboro.

As we continue to work diligently to resolve a very serious problem, I am asking for your continued patience and support. Everyone can be supportive of our EMS program and we invite you to attend our commission meetings, participate in open discussion of factual information and ask the hard questions. We welcome the opportunity to hear you, answer you and work with you on this important issue.

As I’ve said many times throughout my years of service as an elected official and as the director of public safety, my door is always open and my phone is always on; I am willing to talk with you anytime.


Bordentown City Commissioner