Cranbury streamlines food truck approval process

The Township Committee unanimously voted to adopt an ordinance that makes the approval process for food trucks more efficient.

The vote, which took place on April 10, amends the township code to also introduce a one-day permit for mobile food trucks and language for Cottage Food operators (food made in a private residence kitchen).

“Before [a permit license] was [for] a whole year. This way trucks that are not within Cranbury will be able to have a one-day permit for the event they are here for,” said Debbie Rubin, township clerk.

An annual mobile food vendor license in Cranbury is $50. Now under the amended ordinance, the application fee for a one-day temporary license will be $25.

“It will make it easier if they repeat an event, they will have all that paperwork in, and it is event driven. But at least if they go through the application process it should tighten it up if they come back for another event,” Committeewoman Lisa Knierim said.

According to the amended ordinance, a mobile food vendor is not permitted to operate inside the township without a permit. They must also receive compliance approval from the Cranbury Fire Safety Bureau.

A mobile vendor will have to apply for a new Fire Safety application and pay those fees for each event they participate in.