Ordinance sets ‘rates, charges and times’ for electric vehicle charging stations

Montgomery Township has six designated public parking spaces for electric vehicles

Rates, charges and times are all set for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at the municipal complex and Otto Kaufman Community Center in Montgomery Township.

Township Committee members unanimously voted to adopt an ordinance setting the rates, charges and times during the governing body’s Aug. 17 meeting.

The ordinance addresses “EV charging stations that have already been installed and is forward thinking for another location,” according to Township Attorney Wendy Rubenstein, who said now the township can start being reimbursed for the electricity used.

There are four designated public parking spaces for EV charging stations at the township municipal complex and two spaces designated at the Otto Kaufman Community Center.

The township is charging EV owners $2 an hour – up to four hours – for those charging spaces.

The rate will jump to $5 per hour, according to the ordinance.

The designated spaces with charging stations are for EVs connecting to charge. Non-electric vehicles are not allowed to park in the spaces. A non-electric vehicle owner who has their car in one of these spaces will be hit with parking fees, a violation or towing.

The ordinance states that EVs are allowed to park in those spaces during the time they are connected for charging or for up to four hours.

There is a 30-minute grace period to move the car once an EV owner disconnects from one of the charging spaces.

If the owner car is caught after the 30-minute grace period they can receive a sitting fee, violation, or the vehicle can be towed, according to the ordinance.