Democrats take seats in Hopewell Borough

Hopewell Borough is set to have a familiar face in the role of mayor after Councilman Ryan Kennedy earned the seat in his mayoral race during the general election Nov. 7.

The race for mayor was uncontested.

The Mercer County Clerk’s office certified the election results on Nov. 22.

Kennedy received 634 votes for the four-year term as mayor.

When sworn in next year he will replace longtime Mayor Paul Anzano, who announced earlier this year he was retiring and not seeking re-election.

“It has been my honor to serve this town as a member of council and am humbled with the prospect of becoming our next mayor starting in January,” he said.

“The people of Hopewell Borough came out in large numbers to have a say in our government process, and I welcome all of you – Democrats, Independents and Republicans – to join me at the table as we continue working together to shape our town’s future.”

Kennedy stressed that as a community they must welcome all voices and work together to build a place that they can continue to be proud of.

“There is no mission accomplished banner for the issues we all care about, including safety, affordability, and our environment, but by working together, we can make the positive changes that we come to expect from this special place we all call home,” Kennedy said.

“I look forward to working with our two new council members Heidi and Sheri and ask that everyone join me in thanking Mayor Paul Anzano and Council President Sky Morehouse for their years of dedicated and selfless service to our town.”

Kennedy is grateful to borough residents for placing their trust in him to continue to serve and represent Hopewell.

“I am proud to have earned your confidence, but prouder still to be part of this community,” he said.

Borough Council

The races for two three-year terms on Hopewell Borough Council have resulted in a Democratic sweep in the general election. Democratic candidates, Heidi Wilenius and Sheri Hook will serve their first terms when sworn in next year.

“I am truly honored that our community has asked to add my voice to borough council in January,” Wilenius said. “I am looking forward to working together with my fellow council members, our new mayor, and borough administration to continue to strengthen our town.”

Hook added, “I am deeply honored that the residents of Hopewell Borough elected me to take on this role, and I am excited to get to work. I look forward to working with Heidi Wilenius and the other members of council to address the important issues facing our community.”

Wilenius and Hook secured their terms after defeating Republican incumbent Charles “Sky” Morehouse, who is also the current council president. Morehouse is currently serving his seventh term on borough council.

Wilenius earned 518 votes and Hook received 516 votes, over Morehouse, who secured 378 votes, according to the official results.