Incumbents, newcomer secure seats on East Windsor school board

Incumbent East Windsor Regional School District school board members Jeanne Bourjolly and Michael John Weeks II will return to the school board, along with newcomer Karen Salter, based on the certified vote tallies following the Nov. 7 general election.

Bourjolly and Salter, who will represent East Windsor Township on the nine-member school board, earned 2,533 votes and 2,451 votes, respectively. Candidate Paula Calia received 2,229 votes.

Weeks, who will represent Hightstown Borough on the school board, got 706 votes. He was running unopposed for re-election. He will hold one of two seats on the school board earmarked for Hightstown Borough.

The term is for three years.

The vote tallies were certified by Mercer County officials and released Nov. 22. The certified vote tallies included early voting, mail-in ballots, Election Day voting and provisional ballots.

Bourjolly was elected to her second full term on the school board. She was appointed to fill an unexpired term in January 2020 and won election to a full term in November 2020.

Bourjolly said she sought re-election because she wants to be “part of bridging the gap between the community and the school district.”

She pledged to continue to bring the same excitement and eagerness for improving the school district as a whole that she demonstrated in her first term. She said she would like to continue to serve on the Curriculum Committee and the Wellness Committee in her second term.

Bourjolly said it is important to ensure that all students have a great learning environment and that the staff believes they are valued, respected and appreciated.

Salter said she is passionate about education and the well-being of the district’s students and staff, and that’s why she sought a seat on the school board. She is a former elementary school teacher.

Salter said she will listen to students and parents, and be their voice on the school board. She said she will research and discuss current policies, plus future policies as they are brought to the school board.

Weeks said he learned a great deal about the work that it takes to run a school district during his first term on the school board. Managing through change and adversity is about showing up, doing the work and listening to stakeholders, he said.

“My first term was a time to learn what it takes to be effective. My next term will be about ensuring our school board is able to proactively take action to keep the district on track and providing the absolute best education to our students,” he said.