DOT suggests Rte. 130 traffic light location

DOT suggests Rte. 130 traffic light location

By dave goldberg

Staff Writer

The state Department of Transportation said that it would be willing to install a signal at Independence Boulevard and Route 130 to ease the flow of traffic.

"The installation of a signal at Independence Boulevard would consist of installing a traffic signal with modifications to the existing median opening," Michael McClelland, township engineer, said. "The current plans call for elimination of the median opening at this location."

Township Planner Tom Vigna was upset with the state’s decision to install just one light in the area.

"The township worked hard with the concerns of the residents," he said. "The DOT doesn’t think our idea would work. I am disappointed about their findings."

Mayor David Spaulding said chances are that the state won’t give the town another light.

"This pleasant neighborhood will have a whole lot of cars as opposed to them shifting up north," Spaulding said. "The chances of getting another light approach zero. At this point, the DOT expects us to come back and say whether we want this light or not."

Council Vice President Carlo Socio did not want a resolution rushed by the town.

"I don’t think it is good for us to do this," Socio said.

Spaulding agreed with Socio that the council does not have to rush this item.

Vigna said that the DOT is hoping this traffic signal will be enough for the town.

"The issue of where the light would be is a small part of this," Vigna said. "The DOT is looking for us to close all of the issues. It is not really necessary to go through a study. People might be willing to support one thing and not another."

Township officials had hoped to get a traffic signal installed at Otis Road and the First Union driveway, but the state did not think it would be a good idea, said McClelland.

"Based upon the analysis, the only feasible location for the installation of the traffic signal in this area is at Independence Boulevard," McClelland said. "Any decision by the council to install a signal at Independence Boulevard should be conditional upon township review of the design, relative to minimizing delays to vehicles on Independence, where possible."

McClelland also said that the state felt it was inappropriate to put a signal at Otis Road.

"A proposed signal at Otis Road does not qualify as a metering device," said McClelland. "Metering signals are provided at merge locations where volumes are so significant that normal operations cannot occur. Metering signals control flows at rates that allow orderly operation at the merge location. Typical installations are at traffic circles and freeway ramps. Installations are actuated and operations are based on demand. The traffic volumes and conditions obtained by the state at Otis Road do not meet the current warrants for a signal."

The DOT also did not approve of a traffic signal at the First Union driveway.

"A proposed signal at the First Union driveway does not qualify as a metering device," said McClelland.