Author: VASHTI HARRIS, Staff Writer
Matawan council adopts ordinance permitting cannabis businesses
MATAWAN – The Borough Council has adopted an ordinance which will permit retail cannabis businesses and cannabis delivery services to operate in Matawan. The new law will regulate those businesses. The ordinance was adopted during a meeting on Aug. 4. Councilman Brett Cannon and Councilwoman Stephanie Buckel were absent. According to the ordinance, Matawan’s municipal…
Jamesburg appoints new business administrator
JAMESBURG–The Jamesburg Borough Council approved a resolution appointing Michael Capabianco as the municipality’s new borough administrator. Mayor Marlene Lowande said former Borough Administrator Scott Frueh resigned from his position. “We wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” Lowande said. Lowande said Frueh was the borough administrator for the last five years. Capabianco, of…
South River council adopts ordinance restricting off-street parking for large vehicles
SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council adopted an ordinance which will amend the municipal code, establishing off-street parking restrictions and penalties for large commercial vehicles. All commercially registered vehicles having a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 14,000 pounds with a model year older than 2014 are prohibited from parking on private property in a residential…
South River allows all licenses of cannabis businesses except retail
SOUTH RIVER–With an unanimous vote, the Borough Council adopted an ordinance allowing cannabis cultivation, manufacturing, wholesaler, distribution and delivery businesses within the municipality. “I know this is something that has been tossed down from the state. Towns have either been rejecting it or approving it. By allowing this you are bringing in manufacturing, which is…
Aberdeen will permit cannabis businesses in area near train station
ABERDEEN – The Township Council has adopted an ordinance that will amend Aberdeen Township’s Commerce and Transportation Center Redevelopment Plan and allow five types of cannabis businesses to operate in one area of the municipality. New Jersey law permits six marketplace classes of licensed cannabis businesses: cultivator; manufacturer; wholesaler; distributor; retails sales; and delivery service…
South River council opposes Old Bridge’s Jake Brown Road redevelopment plan
SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council approved a resolution establishing its opposition toward the Township of Old Bridge’s Jake Brown Road Redevelopment Plan. The Study Area is comprised of 16 parcels and is located at the intersection of Jake Brown Road and Route 9, and the intersection of White Oak Lane and Jake Brown Road. The majority…
South River council adopts $1.4M bond ordinance for capital upgrades
SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council adopted a $1.486 million bond ordinance, which will partially fund $2.075 million in various capital improvements throughout the municipality. The various improvements will consist of: The purchase of various public works vehicles and equipment, including a sanitation truck, a mason dump truck, a dump truck, a pick-up truck, lawnmowers and containers.…
East Brunswick council adopts $1M bond ordinance for water utility upgrades
EAST BRUNSWICK–The Township Council adopted a $1 million bond ordinance to fund various water utility improvements within the municipality. Before the ordinance was adopted, Councilman Dinesh Behal asked Township Attorney Michael Baker to explain the bond ordinance and what it will help fund. “The bond ordinance [will fund] two significant water main replacement projects that…
Matawan officials propose permitting cannabis retail, delivery operations
MATAWAN – The Borough Council has introduced an ordinance which, if adopted, will permit retail cannabis businesses and cannabis delivery services to operate in Matawan and regulate those establishments. The ordinance was introduced during a council meeting on July 20. A public hearing on the ordinance has been scheduled for Aug. 4. Members of the…