Category: Examiner Opinion
Kelly Ann Baber, daughter of Tom and Lisa Baber of Millstone Township, has been named to the dean’s list for the 2014 fall semester and the 2015 spring semester at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Kelly, who is a 2014 graduate of Allentown High School, is pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. The following area residents…
Mom may have something with the curse of threes
ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch When the microwave stopped working last week, I wasn’t too alarmed. After all, these things happen. The poor old thing worked well for the better part of its 10 years and with a family of growing boys, it certainly had its work cut out for it. It was our…
Volunteer EMS providers are vital to towns
I want to thank our volunteer EMS providers, who are vital to the communities they serve, for all they do for the residents of New Jersey. In addition to facing some of the same issues as paid services, New Jersey’s volunteer EMS squads address the challenges of recruiting and retaining members, raising funds, and maintaining…
JESSICA D’AMICO/STAFF A fallen tree reaches into the Delaware River in Frenchtown, Hunterdon County.
Breakfast will honor eighth-graders
MILLSTONE — On June 5, a breakfast will be held honoring Millstone Township Middle School’s eighth-graders and their upcoming graduation. According to a press release from the school district, Wawa, of Monroe Township, is donating 200 Sizzli breakfast sandwiches and orange juice for the breakfast. “We are very happy to be a part of the…
Daria Lukasz, daughter of Edward and Marta Orfin of Millstone Township, has been named to the dean’s list for the academic year 2014-2015 at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Daria, who is a 2012 graduate of Biotechnology High School, Freehold Township, is pursuing a bachelor of arts in biological basis of behavior. Daria is a…
Millstone board members updated on use of email
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent MILLSTONE — Members of the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education have received a refresher course in the use of email in their official capacity as elected officials. Attorney Bruce Padula, who represents the board, discussed the topic at a recent meeting of the board. “My recommendation is this:…
Residents must exercise their right to speak
By now, many citizens are aware that a segment of the 1 percent that controls the bulk of the wealth within our society is also in control of both major political parties, leaving the voter only with the appearance of control in the voting booth. Hence, elections at every level of government become nothing more…
Solution sought for local wastewater issue
The village of Imlaystown in Upper Freehold Township is clearly faced with an escalating debacle over its wastewater treatment requirements dictated by the state of New Jersey. The Upper Freehold Planning Board has since undertaken research studies, special meetings, proposals and recommendations that have all focused on the feasibility of operating a package treatment plant…