Category: Examiner Opinion

  • Principal outlines plan for summer courses

    An opportunity for students to enhance their skills and complete the credits they need to graduate will be offered to Allentown High School students this summer. At a recent meeting of the Upper Freehold Regional School District Board of Education, Principal Constance Embley discussed several classes that will be offered during the summer. The enrichment…

  • Millstone board members updated on use of email

    By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent MILLSTONE — Members of the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education have received a refresher course in the use of email in their official capacity as elected officials. Attorney Bruce Padula, who represents the board, discussed the topic at a recent meeting of the board. “My recommendation is this:…

  • Residents must exercise their right to speak

    By now, many citizens are aware that a segment of the 1 percent that controls the bulk of the wealth within our society is also in control of both major political parties, leaving the voter only with the appearance of control in the voting booth. Hence, elections at every level of government become nothing more…

  • Solution sought for local wastewater issue

    The village of Imlaystown in Upper Freehold Township is clearly faced with an escalating debacle over its wastewater treatment requirements dictated by the state of New Jersey. The Upper Freehold Planning Board has since undertaken research studies, special meetings, proposals and recommendations that have all focused on the feasibility of operating a package treatment plant…

  • Support for Poker Run is much appreciated

    The Horsemen’s Association of Millstone Township’s Poker Run 2015 was held in the Assunpink Wildlife Management Area on April 26 and was a great success. The association would like to thank its many benefactors — Vesuvio’s Pizzeria and Restaurant, Millhurst Mills hardware and lumber, Riephoff Sawmill, Russo’s Restaurant, AgWay of New Egypt, Clarksburg Inn, Carol…

  • Photo

    STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR A bed of petunias on display at the New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home, Menlo Park.

  • Youngster’s paper drive to benefit lunch program

    By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent MILLSTONE — Kyle Sikkema, an eighth-grade student at the Millstone Township Middle School, is spearheading his second annual paper products drive from May 25 through June 18. The drive will benefit the Feed All God’s Children lunch program, which is based at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Freehold Borough. After Kyle met…

  • Mom has son’s work cut out for him

    ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch When our Lawrence returned from his sophomore year at college, I could not have been more thrilled. There are so many emotions and thoughts that enter a mother’s mind when one of her flock returns to the nest. I was elated to see his smile, and when he hugged…

  • Sick child put last efforts into helping others

    Last May, in the midst of a blossoming spring, I wrote about my son, Alex. I was looking forward to the promise of the new season with hope shining in my heart. Alex had been diagnosed with brain cancer, medulloblastoma, the year before. His prognosis was so encouraging and his disease under control. Or so…