Category: Examiner Opinion
Problems require solutions, not hyperbole
I am responding to a recent Your Turn guest column by Michele Byers, the executive director of the New Jersey Conservation Foundation. Ms. Byers’ column discussed climate change and referred to Harvard University Professor Dr. Eric Chivian. In response to Dr. Chivian and his speech at the annual New Jersey Land Conservation Conference, I do…
New Jerseyans should extend fellowship
As individuals and members of the Board of the Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought (, we deplore the killing of three Muslim students in Chapel Hill, North Carolina — Deah Shaddy Barakat, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha. We grieve for their family and friends. We would like to state publicly…
Thomas E. Price
Thomas E. Price, “Tom,” 57, of Carmichaels, Pennsylvania, formerly of New Egypt, New Jersey, and Wrightstown, New Jersey, passed away on March 17, 2015. He was born May 26, 1957, in Elyria, Ohio, and shared his birth date of May 26 with his on-screen hero, John Wayne. Tom was raised in New Jersey by his…
A fabulous gift from the lumber yard
ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch When Pat, my beloved husband of many years, walked in the door on a recent night, he was beaming with pride. “I’ve been thinking about you all day long,” he said. Then he smiled, looked at me with love, and reported, “And I’ve been considering an expensive gift.” I’m…
SCOTT FRIEDMAN Tyler Grey, 13, of Old Bridge, explores a section of Bicentennial Park in East Brunswick on a sun-filled April 12.
Pupils learn important skills in Millstone snack business
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent MILLSTONE — People who have not heard about Team Yoon’s Treats should ask pupils at the Millstone Township Elementary School and the Millstone Township Middle School what it is all about — and it is a sure bet the youngsters would know the answer. Team Yoon’s Treats is a snack business…
Children’s troupe to stage ‘Beauty and the Beast Jr.’
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent Disney’s “Beauty and The Beast Jr.” will be presented at the Millstone Performing Arts Center. Pictured, left to right, are students from the Millstone Township Community Education theater class who have leads in the show — Cassandra Leach (Cogsworth), Ellie Mashkevich (Lumiere) and Gianna Noto (Belle). Area residents are invited to…
Scholarship applications available
MILLSTONE — The Millstone Township PTSA and PTO, two nonprofit groups of parents, students, educators and community members who work together to support the schools and offer educational opportunities to Millstone’s students, will once again sponsor a scholarship program. The PTSA and PTO will each provide a $1,000 scholarship, according to a press release. The…