Category: Examiner Opinion
Improvements carry a cost to consumers
In recent weeks, there have been letters to the editor and newspaper advertisements from a special interest group that have painted an unfair picture of Jersey Central Power & Light’s (JCP&L) proposed rate plan. As president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1289, representing more than 1,150 JCP&L employees, I know firsthand…
ABLE Act helps individuals with disabilities
When your child or loved one has an intellectual or developmental disability, you spend a lot of time worrying about the future. That is why I was very grateful that Congress passed and President Barack Obama recently signed the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act, also known as the ABLE Act. This legislation will allow…
Governors fail public on reform legislation
Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie — two ethically challenged governors — confirmed again that they would be moral dwarfs as president, the office they covet. Despite the unanimous endorsement of Port Authority reform legislation by all four New York and New Jersey legislative bodies, these governors vetoed the legislation. There is simply no honest defense…
New Jersey should opt out of PARCC test
I attended the Jan. 29 public hearing at Jackson Liberty High School in Jackson that was held by the Study Commission on the Use of Student Assessments in New Jersey — not as a parent, school administrator or teacher, but just as an observer and a concerned citizen regarding the future education of our children…
It is time for a decision on JCP&L rate case
It has been more than three years since the JCP&L rate case began, and recently a New Jersey administrative law judge made a long-awaited recommendation, one which aligns with what we have been saying all along — that New Jersey’s JCP&L customers have long been overcharged and deserve a rate cut. Now, the only thing…
STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR One of the many colorful orchids that were on display at the 18th annual Deep Cut Orchid Society show at Dearborn Market, Holmdel. The show ran Feb. 5-8.
Will New Jersey remain the Garden State or be a pipeline state?
YOUR TURN MICHELE S. BYERS GUEST COLUMN New Jersey is currently awash in proposals for the construction of new pipelines. They will transport gas and oil from supply sources, crossing this state we’re in to deliver fuel to distribution and export points. These plans are not good news for preserved open space and farmland. There…
U.S. students visit Cuba as nations begin thaw
By TAYLOR M. LIER Staff Writer A group of students from the University of Rhode Island had the opportunity to travel to Cuba from Jan. 7-16 shortly after President Barack Obama announced that U.S. relations with the island nation would be normalized. PHOTOS BY JASON ROSENBLUM Going to college is all about getting out into…