Category: Examiner Opinion
Molly O’Neill of Allentown has been named to the dean’s list for the 2014 fall semester at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. Elisa J. Andrew of Allentown has been named to the dean’s list for the 2014 fall semester at DeSales University, Center Valley, Pa. Heather Beams of Allentown has been named to the dean’s list…
Summer camp: the ultimate 21st century skills-learning environment
By Andy Pritikin It used to be so easy. Mom was home, and kids wanted to play outside, as we only had seven channels on the television (and no central air). Boy, how times have changed.Technological advances have profoundly affected life, as we know it, including how we raise our children. Most families rely on…
It is almost time for the senior discount
ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch My good friend’s daughter made an insightful statement just the other day. She was telling of her big day of shopping, purchasing this and that, and concluded with an encounter with an “old” lady who was nothing short of rude. “How old was she?” my friend inquired. “She was…
Changes needed in Common Core standards
I believe the Common Core curriculum is a disaster. It telescopes learning far too quickly, forces teachers to move rapidly, teach to the test, and worst of all frustrates students to the extent that school is no longer a place children want to go. Math and science topics which were taught in grades 10 and…
Bee focuses students’ vision on geography
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent The top three finishers in the Millstone Township Middle School Geography Bee were (from left) Max Zodkoy, third place, Matt Cook, second place, and Ryan Iosim, first place. The excitement was at a fever pitch during the fifth tiebreaker question in a Geography Bee at the Millstone Township Middle School. “Johnston…
Gordon tapped to lead board
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent MILLSTONE — Margaret Gordon will be busier this year, as was evidenced at the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education reorganization meeting on Jan. 5. In a 6-3 vote, the board members selected Gordon to serve as president. Gordon previously served as the panel’s vice president. She will also…
Area schools and camps have so much to offer
Ranney Summer Programs The Lewis School of Princeton, founded in 1973 by Marsha Gaynor Lewis, is an internationally recognized, co-educational, independent private day school whose combined resources are dedicated to providing exceptional multisensory educational opportunity for bright, creative young men and women who learn differently. During the past 41 years,The school has helped thousands of…
Summer camp options abound
Summer camp is a beloved tradition in many families. Many parents of young children fondly recall spending their summers at summer camp, where they made lifelong friends and learned the finer points of roasting marshmallows and competing in three-legged sack races. Parents looking for the right summer camp for their kids will soon discover there…