Category: Examiner Opinion
Bee focuses students’ vision on geography
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent The top three finishers in the Millstone Township Middle School Geography Bee were (from left) Max Zodkoy, third place, Matt Cook, second place, and Ryan Iosim, first place. The excitement was at a fever pitch during the fifth tiebreaker question in a Geography Bee at the Millstone Township Middle School. “Johnston…
Gordon tapped to lead board
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent MILLSTONE — Margaret Gordon will be busier this year, as was evidenced at the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education reorganization meeting on Jan. 5. In a 6-3 vote, the board members selected Gordon to serve as president. Gordon previously served as the panel’s vice president. She will also…
Pushing the mother-daughter envelope
ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch My dear and precious mother is quite the seamstress. She can easily stitch a sachet and needlepoint like it’s her job, and she’s the best at darning socks. When it comes to family mending, she’s our go-to gal. We bring her our torn britches, snagged jackets, and each and…
Board names new assistant principal at middle school
By MAUREEN DAYE Correspondent Paul Baker MILLSTONE — Paul Baker is looking forward to his first day of work as the new assistant principal at the Millstone Township Middle School on Feb. 16. “I was excited and appreciative upon learning the wonderful news (that the job was mine),” Baker said. “I am confident I have…
Resident takes issue with U.S. congressman
On Election Day, Congressman Chris Smith was re-elected to represent us and write laws in Washington, D.C., that reflect our values. Congressman Smith’s voting record on women’s issues is egregious. In 2011, he wrote a bill to redefine the language of rape to forcible rape, which means, in Congressman Smith’s definition, women would have to…
STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ERIC SUCAR A man passes shops in downtown Red Bank on Jan. 7 during winter’s coldest week yet.
PTSA supports middle school
MILLSTONE — The Millstone Township PTSA announced that it gifted more than $37,300 to the Millstone Township Middle School during the 2013-14 school year. The organization also raised more than $9,600 in Scholastic book credit from its book fairs during the last school year. This money will be used for the middle school library and…
High schoolers invited to enter Brain Bee
High school students have an opportunity to display their brainpower by competing in the 2015 Central New Jersey Regional Brain Bee. Modeled after a traditional spelling bee, the Brain Bee is a live Q-and-A competition in which students are quizzed about the human brain and central nervous system. The contest will be held 10 a.m.-3…
Happy to come home
IN THE NEWS Mark Rosman Have you ever wanted to kiss the ground in Aberdeen Township? I know that is a strange question to ask, but on the rare occasions when I travel to New York City, that is exactly the feeling I have when I return via NJ Transit’s North Jersey Coast Line and…