Category: Examiner Opinion

  • Suzanne Kenyon

    Suzanne Kenyon, 61, of the Mercerville section of Hamilton Township, Mercer County, passed surrounded by loving family members on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014, at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick. Born in New Brunswick, Suzanne grew up in Metuchen and lived in Edison, North Brunswick and Trenton before settling in Mercerville several years…

  • Class will open window on career in voice acting

    By TAYLOR M. LIER Staff Writer MILLSTONE — Using the power of voice acting to forge a full-time career with a steady income is something that is being considered by people across the world and will soon be presented in a class to the community. Millstone Township Community Education and Voice Coaches will present a…

  • The last show under Friday night lights

    ARE WE THERE YET Lori Clinch A round the time he was age 2, that boy ran through the living room. He was toting a crayon in one hand, a dinosaur in the other, and for reasons the average mind would not understand, he completed the outfit with a pair of cowboy boots. There was…

  • Writer calls for a ban on gestation crates

    Most female pigs in the United States spend their entire adult lives trapped in a metal gestation crate that is too small for them to even turn around or lie down in comfortably. The intensive confinement of these gestation crates is horrific and only serves to allow pork producers to cram together as many pregnant…

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    RAY CHISTE Soybeans are harvested on the evening of Oct. 30 at a farm in Upper Freehold Township that is owned by Tri-County Turf LLC of Cranbury.

  • Fight continues against pancreatic cancer

    Progress is desperately needed in the fight against pancreatic cancer. According to a recent report, pancreatic cancer is expected to move from the fourth to the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States by 2020. There are no early diagnostic tools, few effective treatments and no cure for this insidious disease. It…

  • Utilities board president must address issues

    A ARP welcomes new Board of Public Utilities (BPU) President Richard Mroz and looks forward to working with him on key utility and telecommunications issues that affect all New Jerseyans, including our 50-plus residents. We call on President Mroz to quickly address two critically important issues. The resolutions for each are long overdue. It has…

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    Men and women who have served in America’s armed forces will be honored on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, when municipalities, officials and citizens conduct and participate in ceremonies honoring their commitment to and sacrifices on behalf of the United States.


    Nobody does the laundry like Mom Lori Clinch I have said it before and I’ll say it again: I hate doing laundry. I despise gathering it up, loathe folding it and detest putting it away. Quite frankly, I would rather do the Thanksgiving dishes at Grandma’s with 68 guests who each used an eight-place setting…