Category: Examiner Opinion
The worst part was the anticipation Lori Clinch I am sure that I am not alone when I say there is nothing fun about the annual physical. The poking and the prodding, and that’s just to get my husband to go! I will agree that the annual trip to the doctor’s office is no walk…
Advocates sought to help assist the elderly
Every day across the country and in our own community, vulnerable elderly people are being abused, neglected and financially exploited. As New Jersey’s Long Term Care Ombudsman, I oversee a state and federally funded program that advocates for elderly people living in long-term care facilities like nursing homes and assisted living residences. While the care…
Far from being spooky, bats are beneficial MICHELE S. BYERS Bats have a reputation for being “spooky,” which is why they are seen so often in Halloween costumes and decorations. But these flying mammals, creatures of the night, are more misunderstood than mysterious. Other than vampire bats that lap up the blood of monkeys and…
Residents should vote ‘no’ on public questions
A society that holds to the notion that you are innocent until proven guilty cannot accept pretrial detention. The political leaders of our society at the highest level have already engaged in torture, secret and unlimited detention, and the suspension of a person’s legal rights. By deception, our state political leaders want to take away…
Bell is worthy of consideration for Senate
I n the upcoming U.S. Senate race, as an “independent” voter, I have many questions. Why is there only one debate that Sen. Cory Booker has agreed to? Shouldn’t there be several debates? Jeff Bell, the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate who is now within a single-digit margin of incumbent Booker, has pushed for…
Safety on roads must become a priority
Tragedy on New Jersey roads is not an acceptable risk. Families and lives are destroyed by car accidents. People are not statistics. There are far too many impromptu memorials alongside our roads. A community effort to improve driving safety is long overdue. Speed, reckless driving, texting and impaired driving are some of the root causes…
Writers asks for ‘yes’ vote on public question
On Nov. 4, New Jersey citizens will have an opportunity to vote to approve the dedication of muchneeded funds for open space, parks, farmland and historic preservation as well as other important environmental programs. The funding would replenish the nowdepleted Green Acres, Blue Acres, farmland and historic preservation programs, and continue to support water protection,…