Category: Examiner Opinion
The death of common sense ROSE ANN SCOTTI I n 2010, a bill was passed in the state Legislature that lowered the safety zone for crossbow hunting from 450 feet to 150 feet from an occupied dwelling. The 150-foot and 450-foot parameters are distance from an “occupied dwelling,” not a property line, a barn, a…
Writers asks for ‘yes’ vote on public question
On Nov. 4, New Jersey citizens will have an opportunity to vote to approve the dedication of muchneeded funds for open space, parks, farmland and historic preservation as well as other important environmental programs. The funding would replenish the nowdepleted Green Acres, Blue Acres, farmland and historic preservation programs, and continue to support water protection,…
A girl can dream
Showing ‘re2pect’ to my idol Jennifer Amato We say in my family that I played shortstop for Joe Torre before Derek Jeter did. That’s because as a 7-year-old living in Brooklyn, N.Y., my parents enrolled me in Joe Torre Little League, where I defended the hot spot between second and third base roughly six years…
Funding must be restored at The Arc
I t has come to my attention that The Arc of Monmouth County will no longer be able to continue their mental/behavioral health services due to budget cuts. The Arc was receiving $392,000 through the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD), but this will end in December. Our son, who has autism, needs this service to…
Trying to find harmony on one local street
I n response to a recent letter to the editor (“It Is Time to Pave Harmony Hill Road,” Examiner, Sept. 25, 2014), which responded to a letter I had written, I am writing to “clear up” inaccuracies in the letter. In reference to the petition to pave Harmony Hill Road in Upper Freehold Township,…
Writer wants Smith’s support for HR1565
A fter hearing about the alarmingly high number of school shootings this year — 74 in 2014 alone — I decided to write a letter to my congressman, Chris Smith (R-NJ). Congressman Smith has refused to co-sponsor a federal bill, HR1565, for expanded background checks on firearms. This bill would help keep guns out of…
A patron has picked the perfect pumpkin at Happy Day Farm, Manalapan, on Oct. 12. SCOTT FRIEDMAN
Smith puts ideology on display in VAWA vote
Congressman Chris Smith (R-4) recently voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This legislation, which had enjoyed bipartisan support since it was first passed in 1994, is crucial in providing funding for domestic violence and sexual assault programs all across the country, including funding for the forensic exams done by sexual assault nurse…