Category: Examiner Opinion

  • Issues exist with property assessments

    I am writing in response to the recent letter to the editor from Monmouth County Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone. I am a victim of the new property tax assessment law, better known as the law to make people unable to successfully file and win tax appeals, which Mr. Arnone helped to put into place last…

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    Guests at Millstone Day enjoy boating on a lake at the host site, Frogbridge Day Camp. SCOTT FRIEDMAN


    The agony and the ecstasy of football Lori Clinch Friday night lights — there is nothing like it. Cool temperatures, the roar of the crowd and the smell of freshly popped popcorn. Folks are cheering, clapping and calling out, “Watch for the fake,” and chanting, “Defense!” And if I knew what the heck was going…

  • Employee says care center should remain with county

    JENNIFER GREGORY I am an 18-year employee of Monmouth County and I work at the John L. Montgomery Care Center in Freehold Township. We are a long-term-care facility that takes care of Monmouth County’s most vulnerable young citizens. There are 62 residents under the age of 59. Currently, our youngest resident is just 17 years…

  • It is time for N.J. utilities board to do its job

    I t is well past time that customers of Jersey Central Power & Light learn the truth about the rates they pay for electricity. Three years ago the New Jersey Rate Counsel ordered the state Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to have JCP&L open its books, based on the argument that the utility had been…

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    Yellow and green hues brighten a meadow at Bear Brook Park, Marlboro. JESSICA D’AMICO/STAFF

  • Resident is fed up with Common Core

    When is enough going to be enough? On behalf of all the parents who send their children off to school every day with the expectation that their children are entitled to a quality education, I have had enough. On behalf of all the school-age children who walk through the doors of their school every day…

  • It is time to pave Harmony Hill Road

    I read Arlene Johnson’s recent letter to the editor regarding the paving of Harmony Hill Road in Upper Freehold Township with disbelief. No one is talking about putting up a “parking lot” or destroying the “bucolic” nature of the neighborhood. For those not familiar with Harmony Hill Road, this is a dead-end street. There will…

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    The arrival of pumpkins at central New Jersey farms signals the start of fall.