Category: Examiner Opinion
I know I put it here, someplace … I think Lori Clinch I like organization. I like things in alphabetical order, items in systematic locations, and I feel that categories are the bomb diggity. I am not categorized, mind you, but I still like the thought of it. While I would love to open a…
Meat may harbor infectious diseases
The Ebola outbreak has now claimed more than 1,500 lives. While medical personnel and government officials try to cope with the strain put on existing health care systems, it is time for us to look at how animal flesh affects the origin and spread of epidemics. Some attention has been given to the African practice…
Stop misuse of accessible parking placards
This is an open letter to all of you using your deceased Aunt Rose’s accessible parking placard. As it says right on the placard, you must also be carrying a current, valid disabled person ID card. I also see some people jogging out of the gym and bouncing up into their Escalade in the accessible…
Teachers are not to blame for lagging education system
GUEST COLUMN ffi ROBERT LAMBER This commentary is written to everyone and anyone who prides themselves on having common sense. Unfortunately, this leaves out the very people I wish to reach. Our educational system, or more precisely, our governmental bureaucrats, have decided to build a road that must have been designed and constructed by individuals…
This old dog has had it with new tricks Lori Clinch Paperwork. Oh, how I loathe doing it. My beloved spouse and I have done the best we could to make it tolerable. We have a lovely space, adequate temperature control and, although our desk chairs have a stain or two, one can sit in…
A&E with Jeremy
Network TV fights back this fall Jeremy Grossman The fall 2014 television season is officially underway, with new shows and returning favorites making their premieres in the coming weeks. But the current television landscape makes it more and more challenging for the broadcast networks — ABC, NBC, Fox and CBS — to compete with the…
Six years later, unknowns remain in N.J. health insurance market ffi CAROLYN ANDRESS When the New Jersey Association of Health Underwriters convened its first symposium on health care in 2009, there was tremendous optimism for a solution to the health care crisis that has hit this country. There was a new president in the White…
Boys and bugs are not perfect for one mom Lori Clinch Boys. Parenting them is certainly not for the faint of heart. Over the years, we have watched them cover themselves in mud for no apparent reason. We have seen them chase birds across the yard, throw rocks at the sky and work tediously to…