Category: Examiner Opinion

  • A&E with Jeremy

    Thank you, Joan Rivers Jeremy Grossman Joan Rivers was the kind of person who seemed like she would live forever. That’s because her whole life and career revolved around never stopping — never retiring from show business and never giving up. Her career was marred by grief and disappointment, like the failure of her 1986…

  • Elected positions are not supposed to be ‘jobs’

    A s the important mid-term election approaches, desperate power-crazed politicians seeking re-election resort to their same pathetic tricks to give the economy an artificial stimulus and make us feel better so we will be conned into voting again for them. The most obvious examples are the various highly visible road-related projects, including resurfacing that is…

  • New program has tax appeals declining

    I am proud to announce that Moody’s Investors Service, a trusted bond credit rating business, has recognized Monmouth County’s 28 percent decline in total property tax appeals in 2014. This decline is largely due to reforms to the county’s property valuation, inspection and appeals procedures. The county’s reforms stemmed from participating in the Real Property…

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    A jogger makes her way along the boardwalk in Asbury Park at sunset on Sept. 3.


    The time to have fun is today Mark Rosman I have the feeling once again that time is flying by. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was taking my son, Nate, to Penn State University to begin his freshman year in Happy Valley? It sure seems that way. But here I am, a couple of…

  • Writer takes issue with congressman’s votes

    Extremism is alive and well in New Jersey where the leader of the antiwomen’s crusade is hiding in plain sight. Our congressman, Chris Smith, is chair of the Congressional pro-life caucus, leading the anti-abortion crusade. Congressman Smith writes egregious legislation with regard to women’s health. In the last two years, Congressman Smith voted for fetal…

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    Kristin Blind, 8, enjoys the trampoline at the Howell Day community celebration at Soldier Memorial Park, Howell, on Aug. 23.

  • Action needed now to restore democracy

    I magine that the United States is still a democracy, that the big money in politics from corporations and the wealthy had not given these special interests control of our government and drowned out the voices of most Americans. If democracy still reigned, would our “representatives” be debating such issues as the relative rights of…

  • James Edward Cunningham

    James Cunningham, 75, of the Clarksburg section of Millstone Township and Jensen Beach, Fla., passed away on Aug. 19, 2014, at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla. Jim was born in New York City in 1938. He and his brother Charlie spent the majority of their childhood at Mount Loretto, a Catholic orphanage for…