Category: Examiner Opinion

  • Action needed now to restore democracy

    I magine that the United States is still a democracy, that the big money in politics from corporations and the wealthy had not given these special interests control of our government and drowned out the voices of most Americans. If democracy still reigned, would our “representatives” be debating such issues as the relative rights of…

  • James Edward Cunningham

    James Cunningham, 75, of the Clarksburg section of Millstone Township and Jensen Beach, Fla., passed away on Aug. 19, 2014, at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Fla. Jim was born in New York City in 1938. He and his brother Charlie spent the majority of their childhood at Mount Loretto, a Catholic orphanage for…

  • Photo

    Middlesex County Parks and Recreation employee Christopher Timm feeds a banana to a deer at the zoo in Johnson Park, Piscataway. The fruit was provided by Middlesex County Food Organization and Outreach Distribution Services due to a surplus of bananas.

  • Q&A

    Age of autos with Sharon Peters Q: I remember a time when many people, maybe most people, bought a new car every four years or so. But I’m seeing a lot more cars on the road that seem to be 8 or 10 years old. Is that my imagination? A: The average age of autos…


    Growing boys sure know how to eat Lori Clinch Growing boys. There’s just nothing like them. Having raised four of them, I speak from the voice of experience. I happen to know, firsthand, that they like to wrestle and brawl. They will spar over the last glass of juice, and they love to throw down…

  • Bicycle rider upset with motorist’s actions

    The Allentown-Upper Freehold Township area has become a popular destination for cyclists to enjoy the quiet and scenic country roads the area has to offer. Just for that reason, many organizations choose the area for their charity cycling events. I am quite concerned though as some motorists/ residents in the area do not appreciate that…

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    Riders swing past a glowing sunset at the Italian Festival of Ocean Township, held at Joe Palaia Park, Oakhurst.

  • Q&A

    Too tiny? with Sharon Peters Q: I’m claustrophobic. I know what to avoid, and it’s mostly fine. This summer I’m going to visit my daughter and I just learned she purchased one of those tiny cars — a Scion iQ. I’ve looked at pictures of it, and I’m afraid that when I get inside I’ll…

  • Support needed for ignition-interlock bill

    Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is urging New Jersey lawmakers to take a stand to save lives on New Jersey’s roads. Assembly Bill 1368, introduced by Assemblywoman Linda Stender (D-Middlesex, Somerset, Union), requires the use of ignition interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers for a period of at least three months. A1368/S385 is MADD’s top…