Category: Examiner Opinion

  • Photo

    Fireworks at Freehold Raceway mark the Fourth of July.

  • Q&A

    Sun block with Sharon Peters Q: Our 9-month-old granddaughter will be living with us for nearly two years. We live in the desert, and her dad’s family has a history of skin cancer. We have to keep her exposure to the sun minimal and we think we should get a vehicle with rear sunshades to…


    One job Mom does not want to excel at Lori Clinch There is nothing that makes a mother’s heart sing more than when one of her flock returns to the nest for a visit. When our college boy arrived, I all but jumped for joy. With a heartfelt “Yay,” I ran up to him with…

  • Public education, private sector needs differ

    I am writing in response to the recent decision by the California courts stating that teacher tenure laws are unconstitutional. That being said, having worked in public education for 29 years, I do agree that there is a need to reform the tenure laws. Yes, there are incompetent and lazy teachers, and often administrators are…

  • Landline phones are a ‘lifeline’ for seniors

    How few does a group of people have to be to not matter? How many must they have in order to be recognized and respected by state officials? A substantial minority of people in New Jersey still depends exclusively on landline phone service. Most have depended on their landline phones for many years and keep…

  • Reader heralds Sweeney, faults Republicans

    Republicans in the Legislature really have sunk to a new low. Back in March, almost all of them voted to pass the “Sandy Victims’ Bill of Rights,” legislation sponsored by state Senate President Steve Sweeney that mandated transparency in the Sandy recovery process and accountability from the Christie administration. The bill passed unanimously in the…

  • America is rooted in belief in God’s word

    The recent letter to the editor “Our Founders Advocated a Natural Religion” by Borden Applegate missed one thing: proof. A letter extolling the opinions of the forefathers of this nation as devoid of religious mooring possesses no founding. Ignorance is promoted when one talks about history without reading the original documents. The Pilgrims suffered extensive…


    They are only going if it’s ‘really cool’ Lori Clinch A h July, the heart of the summer. As I bask in the sun, sipping lemonade and anticipating whether the grasshoppers will completely devour the clematis, one thing lingers on the forefront of my mind: The Family Vacation. Back in the day, I longed for…

  • Our founders advocated a natural religion

    With July Fourth approaching, we continue to hear from some that this is a “Christian” country, and they point to the words “Nature’s God,” “Creator” and “Divine Providence,” which are found in the Declaration of Independence, as proof. However, it is important to understand that these words are not an endorsement of Christianity. Ironically, the…