Category: Examiner Opinion
Get the real story on electric savings offers
Electric savings programs abound. Solar panels on your roof. An alternate supplier. They all say they save you money on your electric bill. Every one of these companies is giving consumers misleading information and do not tell you about the hidden costs, which can be substantial. After considerable research and my usual journalistic questioning, I…
Make fire sprinklers mandatory in all new construction
The week of Oct. 4-10 is the 93rd annual Fire Prevention Week. The theme this year, which is changed every year, is “Hear the Beep When You Sleep.” It is intended to raise awareness of the fact that nearly half of all home fire deaths occur overnight when residents are asleep. The call to action…
Newspaper week highlights power of the press
By JIM ZACHARY The power of the press should never be underestimated and must never be abused. This week marks the 75th anniversary of National Newspaper Week and the theme — The Power of the Press — points to the importance of watchdog journalism, accurate reporting, strong editorials, comprehensive public notices and a free, open…
Principal will leave Millstone
MILLSTONE — With bittersweet feelings, Millstone Township Elementary School Principal Steve Wisniewski tendered his resignation to the Board of Education in late September and announced that his final day of work will be Nov. 30. On Dec. 1, Wisniewski will begin his new job as the superintendent-principal in the Bradley Beach K-8 School District. He…
Candidates to seek school seats
Residents of Millstone Township will have a full slate of candidates from which to elect three members to the Millstone Township K-8 School District Board of Education in the Nov. 3 election. The terms of school board members Amy Jacobson, Ramon Recalde and Neil Schloss are ending in December. Schloss is not seeking re-election to…
Educators can take part in Writing Project programs at Rider University
The National Writing Project at Rider University (NWP@Rider) invites all area K-12 educators to participate in the following events and programs: The NWP@Rider Fall Harvest Literacy Conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 17. The NWP@Rider Assignments Matter Professional Development Day will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct.…