Category: news/the_cranbury_press
MONROE: Police suspect arson in early morning blaze
Details thin as investigation continues By Charles W. Kim, Managing Editor MONROE — Police believe an early Monday morning fire that damaged an Arlene Drive residence was arson. Middlesex County prosecutor’s Office spokesman Jim O’Neil said the 4 a.m. fire in the two-story colonial home appears to have been intentionally set. Due to the nature…
MONROE: Greenstein touts first responders bill
Law would make claiming Workmens’ Compensation easier By Amy Batista, Special Writer MONROE — State Sen. Linda R. Greenstein, D -14, embarked on a first responder tour of fire stations in the 14th Legislative District on Tuesday to discuss legislation she sponsored to ease workman’s compensation claims. Her first stop on the tour was at…
MONROE: Greenstein touts first responders bill
Amy Batista photo State Sen. Linda Greenstein speaks with Monroe firefighters about legislation making it easier for them to file workman’s compensation claims.
CRANBURY: Barlow guilty of $750K theft
Businessman deals for five-year suspended sentence By Charles W. Kim, Managing Editor CRANBURY — Township resident and Hightstown funeral home owner Joseph Barlow, 69, pleaded guilty Thursday to stealing some $750,000 from an elderly relative, according to officials. The businessman pled guilty to a second-degree charge of misappropriation of funds in front of Mercer County…
CRANBURY: District honors best teacher
Kaitlyn Kanzler photo Teacher of the Year Christine Sturtevant talks with students after the presentation.
CRANBURY: District honors best teacher
Christine Sturtevant wins prestigious award By Kaitlyn Kanzler, Special Writer CRANBURY — Christine Sturtevant was honored as the 2013 Governor’s Teacher Recognition recipient at the school’s annual student recognition night last month. ”This is a great honor. This is a night of celebration. It’s out favorite night of the year, next to graduation and honors…
CRANBURY: District honors best teacher
Kaitlyn Kanzler photo Teacher of the Year Christine Sturtevant poses with her award after the presentation.