Category: news/the_princeton_packet

  • A Palmer Square apartment for as little as $834 a month?

    A Palmer Square apartment for as little as $834 a month?

    By Katie Wagner, Staff Writer    With its colonial-style buildings, balcony adorned apartment units, green space and high-end stores and restaurants, Palmer Square has an acknowledged upscale reputation. But this year people with more modest means will be able to call this shopping, dining and recreational center home.    Under an agreement with the borough, four residential…

  • Festivity-filled streets mark Princeton’s Communiversity

    Festivity-filled streets mark Princeton’s Communiversity

    Princeton University student Francois Bellemare watches as his friend, Connor Pigott, takes a pie in face for charity from Brian Himpele of Princeton. Staff photo by Frank Wojciechowski

  • Risk is seen in mediation with downtown builder Nassau HKT

    By Lauren Otis, Staff Writer    A member of the Princeton Borough Council is calling for the borough not to engage in mediation with developer Nassau HKT over Phase 2 of the Tulane Street construction project — and instead stick to its guns calling upon NHKT to honor in full a 2004 redevelopment agreement — or…

  • Festivity-filled streets mark Princeton’s Communiversity

    Festivity-filled streets mark Princeton’s Communiversity

    By Katie Wagner, Staff Writer    Families clapped to the drum beats of Awach of Aday near the Princeton Public Library, children strung necklaces at Nassau Presbyterian Church, adults browsed through $40 shoes in front of the Princeton Running Company and hundreds waited on lines for funnel cake, cotton candy and other treats along Nassau Street…

  • Gehry-designed Lewis Library at university nearing completion

    Gehry-designed Lewis Library at university nearing completion

    By Lauren Otis, Staff Writer    The variegated, rollicking exterior, at turns stainless steel, brick, glass and stucco, appears to finally be coalescing into Princeton University’s new Lewis Library, according to the design vision of acclaimed architect Frank Gehry.    ”We got everything out of the design that we were after,” said Craig Webb, project designer for…

  • Gehry-designed Lewis Library at university nearing completion

    Gehry-designed Lewis Library at university nearing completion

    The new Princeton University science library nears completion on Washington Road. Staff photo by Mark Czajkowski

  • Festivity-filled streets mark Princeton’s Communiversity

    Festivity-filled streets mark Princeton’s Communiversity

    Crowds fill Witherspoon Street during Communiversity. Staff photo by Frank Wojciechowski

  • POLICE BLOTTER, April 29

    Princeton Township    Stephanie M. Hegyes, 49, of Redding Circle was charged with driving while intoxicated following an accident at Redding Circle about 8 a.m., Saturday. Police said they received a call that a vehicle drove over a curb and into a bush, damaging the bush. After arriving at the scene, police said they confirmed that…

  • West Windsor man found dead in Pa. video booth

    A 46-year-old West Windsor man was found dead inside a private viewing booth at a Bucks County video store, a Pennsylvania newspaper has reported. The Bucks County Courier Times quoted the police chief in Penndel, Pennsylvania as saying that the man was found at Towne Video on Sunday afternoon by a clerk who had opened the…