Category: News Transcript News
Village at Manalapan pitched to committee
New plan for Route 33& Millhurst Rd. showsmovies, shops, BY DAVE BENJAMINStaff Writer Village at Manalapan pitched to committee New plan for Route 33 An artist’s rendering shows a portion of the Main Street component of The Village at Manalapan, which a developer is proposing to build at Route 33 and Millhurst Road. & Millhurst…
Immigrants evicted after
surprise apt. inspectionMen were on streetshortly after officialsviewed overcrowding BY CLARE MARIE CELANOStaff Writer surprise apt. inspection Men were on street shortly after officials viewed overcrowding BY CLARE MARIE CELANO Staff Writer FREEHOLD — Radical change usually carries with it radical responsibility. Combine the two and someone usually gets hurt. Sometimes, it’s the people you…
MARLBORO — The parents of children who attend the Turtle Creek Learning Academy are preparing to fight a proposal that could see a 4,300-square-foot truck garage built next to the school. Turtle Creek is a private preschool on Railroad Avenue in the village of Marlboro, off Route 79. R.H. Ern and Sons has applied to…
Simple talk holds big lesson for youngsters
Holocaust survivor encourages children to respect one another BY LARRY RAMERStaff Writer Simple talk holds big lesson for youngsters BY LARRY RAMER Staff Writer MARLBORO — A Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust by hiding in the home of a Christian family spoke to fifth-graders at the Marlboro Elementary School recently about her experiences and…
Walk supports terror victims
Walk supports terror victims MANALAPAN — Community was the word to describe the Jewish Community Center’s second annual Solidarity Walk for Israel held on Sept. 14 at Monmouth Battlefield State Park. According to a press release, more than 275 people came from throughout Monmouth County to join a fund-raising walk to help victims of terror…
Kleinberg, Glickman kick off mayor’s race
Ongoing developmentis a key issue in bidsfor four-year term BY LARRY RAMERStaff Writer Kleinberg, Glickman kick off mayor’s race Ongoing development is a key issue in bids for four-year term BY LARRY RAMER Staff Writer “I will appoint good people without regard to party labels and bring new people into government.” — Dr. Robert Kleinberg…
Language arts curriculum guide will get closer look
BY LARRY RAMERStaff Writer Language arts curriculum guide will get closer look BY LARRY RAMER Staff Writer MARLBORO — Board of Education President Cynthia Green has asked a school administrator to make changes in the K-8 district’s new language arts curriculum guide in grades four and five. The curriculum guides, which will be used by…
Inspection turns up 9 men in apartment
Tenants in roomsdon BY CLARE MARIE CELANOStaff Writer Tenants in rooms don’t match names on landlord’s form BY CLARE MARIE CELANO Staff Writer PHOTOS BY CECILIA REYNOLDS In what Freehold officials said is a violation of municipal ordinances, two residents of an apartment on First Street make their accommodations in the attic. Members of the…
San Gennaro festival
San Gennaro festival People gathered on Main Street in downtown Freehold to help celebrate the San Gennaro Festival and AntiqueFest on Sept. 21. The event brought 50 vendors to the town to display and hopefully sell their wares. Ten local restaurants provided food for guests to buy while they browsed around the town. Pictured clockwise…