Category: News Transcript News

  • Renovations in full swing

    at Freehold Borough H.S. By dave benjamin Staff Writer Renovations and improvements are in full swing at Freehold Borough High School. "If you’ve been anywhere near Route 79 and Robertsville Road, we are taking apart a high school," Superintendent of Schools James Wasser said in an update report to the Freehold Regional High School District…

  • Marlboro Marine proud to have done his duty

    Unit helped to guardsupply trucks in Iraq; fought off guerrilla attacks By larry ramerStaff Writer Marlboro Marine proud to have done his duty Unit helped to guard Cpl. Chris Schirripa supply trucks in Iraq; fought off guerrilla attacks By larry ramer Staff Writer MARLBORO — For most people, living without a real shower for several…

  • Musicians perform at recital

    On May 8, the Cecilian Music Club held its 12th annual Cecilian Awards Competition Winner’s Recital, at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters, Manalapan. The students performing in this recital had to pass an adjudicated audition in order to perform. The program featured piano solos, piano duets, solo harp and a piano/violin duet. Cecilian Club members…

  • Teenage journalist wins honor

    FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — Alicia Raia, a recent graduate of Freehold Town-ship High School, recently won the annual $1,000 Robert Stevens Memorial Schol-arship from the Garden State Scholastic Press Association (GSSPA). Stevens was a founding member of the organization. Raia will be attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and hopes to major in…

  • Borough voters will have say on firefighters’ incentive plan

    Borough voters will have say on firefighters’ incentive plan FREEHOLD — Borough voters will have a chance to participate in the future of the Freehold Fire Department. Council members approved a resolution on July 21 to place a question proposing a Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) on the November ballot. If voters approve the…

  • State will fund almost 30% of school project

    Vote set for Sept. 30 inManalapan-EnglishtownRegional School District By dave benjaminStaff Writer State will fund almost 30% of school project Vote set for Sept. 30 in Manalapan-Englishtown Regional School District By dave benjamin Staff Writer ENGLISHTOWN — State education officials have boosted their contribution to the local school district’s planned Sept. 30 construction referendum. According…

  • Suspended employee due in court to answer charge

    Indictment citesincident from 2001;no mention of 2002arrest or allegations By mark rosmanStaff Writer Suspended employee due in court to answer charge Indictment cites incident from 2001; no mention of 2002 arrest or allegations By mark rosman Staff Writer The only person charged thus far in the case of money missing from Manalapan town hall was…

  • Zoners give consideration to adult day care center

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer Zoners give consideration to adult day care center By dave benjamin Staff Writer MANALAPAN — It will surely take more than a day for zoning board members to make their decision about All In A Day. Representatives of All In A Day, an adult day care center, are seeking a variance…

  • Photo

    JERRY WOLKOWITZ Jim Vreeland of Old Bridge performs a maneuver on top of a picnic table during a demonstration by the Planet Bike Trials Team at Olde Freehold Day at Lake Topanemus on Saturday.