Category: News Transcript News

  • Grant would fund road work

    By clare MARie celanoStaff Writer By clare MARie celano Staff Writer FREEHOLD — Borough officials are embarking on a neighborhood road improvement program and, with a little luck, at least part of the work may be paid for with a grant. A resolution was introduced at the Borough Council’s June 16 meeting indicating that the…

  • Judge dismisses Marlboro claim against redistricting

    Freehold Regionalplan moving forwardfor September start-up By dave benjaminStaff Writer Judge dismisses Marlboro claim against redistricting Freehold Regional plan moving forward for September start-up By dave benjamin Staff Writer The Freehold Regional High School District has successfully defended its student redistricting plan against accusations made by the township of Marlboro and two private individuals. The…

  • Cleanup continuing at illegal Howell junkyard

    By kathy barattaStaff Writer Cleanup continuing at illegal Howell junkyard By kathy baratta Staff Writer HOWELL — The owner of an illegal junkyard was back in municipal court recently. William Lackey, whose 8-acre property on Maxim-Southard Road slowly evolved into a salvage yard over the past decade, was fined $1,000 in May on a summons…

  • Pup perks up firefighters

    Princess IV takes herplace as mascot withFreehold Fire Department By clare marie celanoStaff Writer Princess IV takes her place as mascot with Freehold Fire Department By clare marie celano Staff Writer CHRIS KELLY Although she’s tiny, Princess IV, a 9-week-old Dalmatian puppy, has brought plenty of big smiles to the volunteers at the Freehold Fire…

  • Residents will have chance to comment on building plan

    By linda denicolaStaff Writer By linda denicola Staff Writer FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — A public hearing on an application for a proposed 172-lot subdivision will be continued by the Planning Board at the July 17 meeting. The contract purchaser of the 161-acre property, Centex Homes LLC, Manalapan, wants to construct 165 homes and leave seven lots…

  • Camera club gives pupils new view of world around them

    By larry ramerStaff Writer By larry ramer Staff Writer Marco Caracappa, 12, (r) shows his work — an abstract of a door — to friend James Spinella, 12, during an exhibit of photographs by members of the Cedar Drive School’s photography club. A group of students at the Cedar Drive School in Colts Neck had…

  • Marlboro officials keep cost of quitting FRHSD hush hush

    In the newsMark Rosman Marlboro officials keep cost of quitting FRHSD hush hush In the news Mark Rosman Marlboro officials keep cost of quitting FRHSD hush hush In the news Mark Rosman Apparently, the Marlboro Township Council doesn’t want to tell residents how much it might cost them to pull out of the six-school Freehold…

  • Howell will seek voter OK to boost open space fund

    Referendum seeking anadditional 1 cent to beplaced on November ballot By kathy barattaStaff Writer Referendum seeking an additional 1 cent to be placed on November ballot By kathy baratta Staff Writer HOWELL — Voters approved a special open space assessment nearly five years ago and officials here are hoping they’ll say yes again this year.…

  • Quick Chek seeks zone change for gas pumps

    No formal applicationfor construction of storehas been filed with townCorrespondent By kurt schellenberger Quick Chek seeks zone change for gas pumps No formal application for construction of store has been filed with town Correspondent ENGLISHTOWN — Representatives of Quick Chek food stores have asked borough officials to make a zoning change that would allow them…