Category: News Transcript News

  • Committee might try to save pieces of old Dreyer house

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer Committee might try to save pieces of old Dreyer house By dave benjamin Staff Writer MANALAPAN — Members of the Manalapan Community Center Committee have sought the advice of the Friends of Monmouth Battlefield regarding the Dreyer house. "We met with Rich Walling, the president of the Friends of Monmouth Battle-field,…

  • Six busted at two homes

    By clare MARie celanoStaff Writer By clare MARie celano Staff Writer FREEHOLD — Six men were arrested when officers from the Freehold Borough Police Department, the Freehold Borough and Freehold Township Joint Investigative Team, the New Jersey State Police and the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office recovered substances that appeared to be cocaine and marijuana at…

  • Partnership plans full slate of Freehold events in 2003

    FREEHOLD — The Freehold Center Partnership will host 19 family-oriented special events in 2003, including the return of the borough’s weekly summer concert series and monthly Kruise Nite, held downtown from May through September. Most of the events, which also include street fairs, food festivals, and holiday-themed celebrations and activities, are free and open to…

  • Moving day finally arrives for Freehold police force

    Department leaves formerschool for new quartersin renovated rug mill By clare MARie celanoStaff Writer Department leaves former school for new quarters in renovated rug mill By clare MARie celano Staff Writer FREEHOLD — Borough police officers are finally operating from their new location at the Rug Mill Towers on Jackson Street — honest. For one…

  • Marlboro Planning Board approves Goddard School

    By jeanette M. engStaff Writer Marlboro Planning Board approves Goddard School By jeanette M. eng Staff Writer MARLBORO — The proposal for a Goddard School to be built on Route 520 near the intersection of Route 9 was approved at the Jan. 15 Planning Board meeting. The applicant, Building Blocks of Marlboro, LLC, proposed to…

  • Gov. reinstates Clean Communities program

    Municipalities willagain receive state fundsfor anti-litter efforts By gloria stravelliStaff Writer Municipalities will again receive state funds for anti-litter efforts By gloria stravelli Staff Writer The state’s budgetary mess aside, keeping the Garden State clean remains a priority. Gov. James E. McGreevey recently signed the Clean Communities and Recycling Grant Act, which is expected to…

  • Work on restaurant may get cooking in near future

    By clare MARie celanoStaff Writer Work on restaurant may get cooking in near future By clare MARie celano Staff Writer FREEHOLD — Residents of and visitors to town are expected to soon have another restaurant in the downtown area. The owners of Goodfellas restaurant and Pizzeria are moving forward with plans to set up their…

  • Historic panel seeking direction from council

    By clare MARie celanoStaff Writer Historic panel seeking direction from council By clare MARie celano Staff Writer FREEHOLD — Members of the recently organized Historical Preservation Exploratory Committee came to a Bor-ough Council workshop meeting to tell members of the governing body they are ready to move away from "exploring" and move into action. Councilman…

  • Freeholders reorganize for new year

    Freeholders reorganize for new year The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders met last week in the Hall of Records, Freehold, to reorganize county government for 2003. Judge Lawrence M. Lawson, Assignment Judge of the state Superior Court, Freehold, administered the oaths of office to the recently re-elected freeholders Harry Larrison Jr. and Thomas J. Powers.…