Category: News Transcript News

  • Fate of Dreyer house rests with committee

    Old home on Route 522could be razed to makeway for community center By dave benjaminStaff Writer Old home on Route 522 could be razed to make way for community center By dave benjamin Staff Writer MANALAPAN — The future of the Dreyer house that sits in the middle of the Manalapan Recreation Center, Route 522,…

  • Friends’ goal is to keep firefighter’s name alive

    Alan Feinberg served20 years with FDNY,until Sept. 11, 2001 By mark rosmanStaff Writer Alan Feinberg served 20 years with FDNY, Alan Feinberg until Sept. 11, 2001 By mark rosman Staff Writer MARLBORO — For Alan Feinberg’s friends in the community, it’s all about remembering what kind of a man he was. Friends of Alan Feinberg…

  • NAACP wants Legislature in on voting points change

    Local chapter of civilrights group seeks voicein FRHSD legal action By dave benjaminStaff Writer NAACP wants Legislature in on voting points change Local chapter of civil rights group seeks voice in FRHSD legal action By dave benjamin Staff Writer The Freehold branch of the NAACP is concerned that the outcome of a federal case involving…

  • Volunteer medical response team gets update on progress

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer By dave benjamin Staff Writer MANALAPAN — The first meeting of the community’s new volunteer Medical Reserve Corps brought 50 people out to hear representatives of the township board of health and the township mental health department describe plans being made to respond to a large-scale disaster. The meeting was held…

  • Developer seeks zoning change for adult homes

    By kathy barattaStaff Writer Developer seeks zoning change for adult homes By kathy baratta Staff Writer HOWELL — The Township Council has heard another proposal for an upscale adult community from developer Terry Sherman. Sherman, representing an entity named Ticetown Holdings, is asking the council to rezone an area along Casino Drive near the Lemon…

  • Residents raise objections to proposed commuter tax

    By mary dempseyStaff Writer Residents raise objections to proposed commuter tax By mary dempsey Staff Writer A proposed New York City tax on commuters has some area residents wondering why they are being tapped to fill a large void in the city’s budget. New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg recently announced a proposal to…

  • Middle schools win award for environmental efforts

    By linda denicolaStaff Writer Middle schools win award for environmental efforts By linda denicola Staff Writer FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — Nothing goes to waste at the township’s two middle schools and both the Barkalow and Eisenhower middle schools received awards last week for their solid waste management programs. The awards from the Monmouth County Solid Waste…

  • FRHSD names Howell woman new public info coordinator

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer FRHSD names Howell woman new public info coordinator By dave benjamin Staff Writer Ilse Whisner Ilse Whisner of Howell has been named the Freehold Regional High School District’s new public information coordinator. She succeeds Teresa Rafferty, who was the first person to hold the position after the FRHSD Board of Education…

  • Knob Hill owners seek maintenance-fee relief

    Homeowners claimaffordable housingcouncil is unresponsive By dave benjaminStaff Writer Knob Hill owners seek maintenance-fee relief Homeowners claim affordable housing council is unresponsive By dave benjamin Staff Writer JERRY WOLKOWITZ Employees from GPU Energy work to replace a utility pole that was knocked down by a truck on South Street, Freehold Borough, on Dec. 5, the…