Category: News Transcript News

  • Law aims to protect streams

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer By dave benjamin Staff Writer MANALAPAN — An ordinance which will amend development regulations in stream corridors and stream corridor buffers is scheduled to have a public hearing, second reading and possible adoption at the Township Committee’s Sept. 18 meeting. "Manalapan recognizes that our endangered species and our wetlands are very…

  • Student-designed 9/11 memorial unveiled

    By clare MARie celanoStaff Writer By clare MARie celano Staff Writer JERRY WOLKOWITZ Michele Prouty, a teacher at the Freehold Intermediate School, speaks about her students’ effort to design a 9/11 monument which was dedicated in Freehold Borough on Sept. 11. FREEHOLD — The tragedy of the past met hope for the future as the…

  • Law guarantees chance for public to speak at meetings

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer Law guarantees chance for public to speak at meetings By dave benjamin Staff Writer A law signed by Democratic Gov. James McGreevey earlier this month guarantees members of the public the right to speak at meetings of their municipal governing body. The new law, sponsored by Republican Assemblyman Kevin J. O’Toole…

  • New rabbi ready to serve congregation

    By dave benjaminStaff Writer By dave benjamin Staff Writer Rabbi David Bateman MANALAPAN — With the goal of building bridges between Israeli and American Jewry comes the new spiritual leader of Congregation Sons of Israel, Gordons Corner Road. "I view my return to the Diaspora as an opportunity to be a bridge between Israeli and…

  • High school board votes to shift some students

    Crowded conditionsin some FRHSDbuildings seenas reason for action By dave benjaminStaff Writer High school board votes to shift some students Crowded conditions in some FRHSD buildings seen as reason for action By dave benjamin Staff Writer A redistricting plan which calls for the movement of some students across municipal boundaries has been approved by the…

  • Applicants plan upgrades at 2 shopping centers in township

    By linda denicolaStaff Writer Applicants plan upgrades at 2 shopping centers in township By linda denicola Staff Writer FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — The Zoning Board of Adjustment heard two shopping center applications at its meeting last week. One was approved and one was held over to the board’s next meeting. Both applications would improve existing shopping…

  • Water resources association gets word out about drought

    Water resources association gets word out about drought Members of the Monmouth County Water Resources Assoc-iation (MCWRA) appeared before the Board of Freeholders seeking assistance in expanding public understanding of the long-term drought that the county is now experiencing. According to a press release from the county’s Department of Public Informa-tion, Harry Conover, the county’s…

  • Police seek assistance in combating burglaries

    By karl vilacobaStaff Writer Police seek assistance in combating burglaries By karl vilacoba Staff Writer Police are asking Marlboro residents for increased vigilance in the face of a rash of burglaries that have plagued the community in recent weeks. According to Marlboro Police Capt. Brian Hall, about five similar burglary incidents have oc-curred over the…

  • A year later

    Towns to reflect on 9/11 and remember victims By jennifer domeStaff Writer By jennifer dome Staff Writer VERONICA YANKOWSKI Workers complete a memorial at the Freehold Township municipal complex. A year has passed. While the nation has worked hard to overcome the devastating blow dealt its people on Sept. 11, 2001, Americans have also had…