Category: Sentinel-EBS News

  • Library seeks used printer cartridges

    The Jamesburg Public Library is collecting used computer printer cartridges. Items may be dropped off at the library 229 Gatzmer Ave. For more information or directions, call 732-521-0440.

  • Mountaineer aims to reach new heights in helping feed hungry

    By PJ CANDIDO Staff Writer Jason Friedman of Edison is using his passion for mountain climbing to help those in need through Hands of Hope, an Edison nonprofit that provides food to the hungry throughout the community. A man’s passion for mountaineering is making a positive difference by benefiting people in need. Jason Friedman, 40,…

  • Library Friends to host fundraiser at theater

    The Friends of the Spotswood Public Library will sponsor a Sept. 20 fundraiser to see the 3 p.m. performance of “The Producers” at Playhouse 22, East Brunswick Community Arts Center, 721 Cranbury Road. Tickets cost $24 each. To reserve, call 732-251-0954.

  • Rutgers women’s volleyball team helps serve backpack drive

    By KATHY CHANG Staff Writer The Rutgers Women’s Volleyball Team hands out 600 backpacks stuffed with back-toschool essentials for students in need across Middlesex County on Aug. 21 as part of United Way of Central Jersey’s annual back-to-school collection on Aug. 21 at Sacred Heart Church in New Brunswick. PHOTOS COURTESY OF PATRICIA DESIDERIO With…

  • Seniors will meet Sept. 11 in Sayreville

    The Our Lady of Victories (OLV) Senior Group will host its next gathering 1:30 p.m. Sept. 11 in the church’s Monsignor Dalton Hall, Main Street, Sayreville. All seniors are welcome to attend. After a business meeting, cake, coffee and tea will be served. Annual dues ($10) will be collected. Payment is due for the group’s…

  • Exploring the risk factors for prostate cancer

    In the United States, one in six men can expect to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, while there is a one in seven chance that a Canadian man will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point during his lifetime. Those elevated incidence rates could be a byproduct of an aging population, as age is…

  • Recognizing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer

    Prostate cancer is a deadly disease that forms in the tissues of the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system that is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum.According to the Canadian Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian men (excluding nonmelanoma skin cancers), while the National…

  • Hearing aid technology has come a long way

    By Jennifer J. Adams, Au. D., CCC/A Hearing loss in the United States affects approximately 32 million people. Out of this 32 million people, research studies have shown that more than 24 million people in the United States have never tried hearing aids as a solution to their hearing loss. With the rapid changes in…

  • Back to school: five backpack safety tips

    By Ken Freedman, D.C. It’s back to school time, and for many students that means they’re back to carrying heavy backpacks filled to the brim with textbooks, laptops and other learning materials.A study alluded to this startling calculation:A child carrying a 12-pound backpack, lifting it 10 times per day for the entire school year, has…